11月19日 奈良新聞に掲載いただきました🧦
November 19, 2012: Featured in the Nara Shimbun 🧦.
Last week on the 18th, Miyake-cho Commerce and Industry Association organized an inbound monitor tour and came to Suzuki Socks for a hands-on tour.
As this was a monitor tour, a Taiwanese resident of Tokyo came to our company to learn about sock making ✨.
We hope to continue to promote Miyake-cho and the charms of Miyake-cho along with Suzuki Sock’s sock making along with full-scale tours in the future 😊.
鈴木靴下 Shop
営業時間 10:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
定休日 日曜・祝日/第2第4土曜日